On A Personal Note…

It is impossible for me to comprehend the fact that we are already in the month of February.  It seems like yesterday that we were ringing in the New Year, and now an entire month has already gone by.

This year has already been an eventful one.  Last fall Esther and I came to the realization that God has called us to plant a new church in our community.  In January, after a lot of prayer and discernment, we took the first steps towards making this vision a reality.  Church planting was never part of our plans for ministry, and yet the call has been both unmistakable and unimaginably exciting.

As an elder in the newly formed Global Methodist Church, we are proud to partner with other ministers and laypersons in laying the groundwork for a fresh movement of the Holy Spirit.  Already we are seeing the Lord work in mighty ways.  The Gospel is being preached.  Lives are being transformed.  God has been at work paving the way for us to raise up a church which will be a real Gospel presence in the community.

We are hard at work, as you can imagine.  But what about this website that I have started?

I began this website, Numinous Writ, out of a desire to create a space online where people can explore the truth, goodness, and beauty of the Gospel together.  I will be posting an article later this week which explores this dream in a little more detail.  But I share this to say that dream has not gone away.  I plan on writing more and more, and I hope this will become a platform for further ministry collaboration in the future.

However, obviously starting a church takes time and effort.  My initial plan for the site was to post something at least once every two weeks.  That did not happen in January.  But now that I am finding a new rhythm, I will try to get back on track.

I appreciate all the prayers and support you give, dear reader.  As I wrote in my initial post, we are building something new together.  God is at work.  Great things await us.


1 thought on “On A Personal Note…”

  1. Pingback: Rumors of Revival - Numinous Writ

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